TheWrongDoer_Editor : Ashalee McCrea Warning: This Is An Emergency Broadcast: The Devil Herself Is Rising In Edmonton. Edmonton you guys are in for the most hellacious slore of a C U Next Tuesday that I’m pretty sure this world has never even seen the likes of before her demonic sadistic ways of evil horror to men’s lives and probably even women is completely unheard of! Here are my reasons why: Well first off, this girl really loves her Pepsi and has even gotten into worse harder things. No pun intended 🤣😜😛 I have never met someone who tried to claim three different situations where she was about to get caught by her man for something she had done and then turned it around and said that these innocent folks had raped her. This is an example of why nobody really believes women when they say that they have had these terrible things happen to them is because of women like her! Within a week she claimed three different claims. One of the people who’s a very close and good friend of mine had her fraud his bank account so to distract people from what it actually happened she said that he raped her. No proof of anything. No bruises, no nothing. Just word of mouth and her dirty a55 mouth ain’t telling any truth. So he got his head beaten in pretty freaking badly because of her lies. Another got bear maced and the other had it posted all over Facebook for the world to see and nobody’s clued in you think? How stupid does the dumb cvnt have to be. And how stupid is her man for still believing it. You’d think that the pattern was pretty obvious by now. And that’s just part of the story. This woman is a kleptomaniac and she will steal from your bank account using your thumb when you were passed out from being drunk. There is video proof and pictures showing this. If you want to see them, put the comment below and I’ll message you personally. The only person she cares about is herself. She has three beautiful children who deserve a way better mother than that because they’re going to grow up to be just like this stupid b1tch. So now she’s leaving town and going to Edmonton because nobody wants her here and she’s basically being run out as well as her boyfriend. So if you meet a couple named Brad and Ashley you just came to town Edmonton be weary and tell them that they’re not welcome and somebody should call the ministry there because her kids are there and they deserve way better than that. Dumb b1tch baby