Ashley Evans Needs To Go The Fuk Home
Ashley Evans Needs To Go The Fuk Home. Okay, so since this person wants to harass my friends and steal sh1t- it’s time for it all to come out. this one is a piece of work. she likes to get drunk and try to convince people she has a personality. she lies and loves to ruin friendships and lives. she likes to play a victim and she’s no stranger to pulling the wool over people’s eyes. she was fired from an under the table job once for stealing and then she ruined that person’s business and had them charged for fraud all the while scamming government money herself. and anyone else foolish enough to take pity on her. she has drds and she likes to try and fuk married or attached men. since being in Gibson’s she’d already wrecked an engagement and shut down a business. this one is not to be trusted. watch out people. this one is trash. she used to abuse her father and steal his medication and money, and when he died I was told all she cared about was if there was money. she needs to be put on blast so that she doesn’t hurt more people. serves her right for moving here and causing the locals grief. I don’t want people like this in my town! go back to whatever sh1t place you’re from and rot.