Christine Inbred Campeau — Sh1tty A55 Lunatic. So this piece of work is Christine..she uses a different last name because her parents aren’t married but have the same last name, b1tch got mad when I asked to see a marriage certificate, even hit me with a bat and bit me over it..fuking dog. Idk how this one sleeps at night knowing how horrible she is as a person, all her boyfriends families just hated her, she hasn’t had one mother in law like her, that speaks volumes about this prize, she will also hit up anyone who has the g a b s, and will do anything for them. Her friends only use her to drive them around, and do stuff for them, she’s such a sh1tty person nobody wants to just hang out, they use her. And one time she went bathroom on the side of the road and didn’t have tp so she cut her pants to wipe her sh1tty a55, I felt sorry for her bf at that time. How disgusting can you get? Ask this one…it’s her middle name.