Dr. Dafna Ahdoot / Dafna Bababeygy. Dafna Ahdoot real name is Dafna Bababeygy she is a So called pediatrician by day and now newly single mother to two daughters she neglects to go slore around while her mother watches her kids. Watch out for this pediatrician do not take your kids to her. She has borderline personality and should have her license be taken away. Does not care for the well being of her own kids yet alone others. Works in a ghetto place called [REDACTED] in Van Nuys with 5 other doctors. Begs to be on The Doctors show just for attention. We all know the show doesn’t pay her and she has to beg them to be on it to make herself feel good. She Cheated on her amazing hardworking husband who gave her everything with a loser Personal trainer who used her for her money that she took from her husband at the time. Now trying to move on with her life trying to set up her ex husband for abuse only to get more money and get full custody just so she gets paid more and to continue sloring around/vacationing while leaving her kids with her depressed mother who has recently moved in with her. Shes a user, even to her own family. Shes been Divorced twice. 40 years old and now on to her third victim to ruin their life. She’s an unfit mother who doesn’t deserve to have kids. A fake person only nice to you if she can benefit from you and then leaves as soon as she gets what she wanted. She Posts on social media playing the victim trying to have people feel bad for her when in reality she’s the one who cheated and tried to kill her husband and blame it on [REDACTED] but luckily she didn’t succeed and now is out for revenge. Her only agenda is to get as much money as she can from her ex by taking full custody of the kids she doesn’t even care for. Please Run if you meet her or see her. Don’t fall for her bullsh1t. She is a fraud and worst doctor and person. What good doctor posts her personal life on social media for attention? Makes you see how unprofessional she is and what an embarrassment she is to us strong woman who would never degrade ourselves and cheat while being married for 8 1/2 years and two daughters who have to look up to you…This is who she really is. Don’t fall for her lies and made up stories she tells you just so you feel sorry for her…Be very careful of her. There’s a reason she has no close friends.