Elizabeth Dawn Gaudette — Slore Of The Century Award Goes To…
Cheaters, Complaint Against Wrongdoers, Windsor
Elizabeth Dawn Gaudette — Slore Of The Century Award Goes To… This old sh3male looking thing abuses men.. yet gets you drugged up, soo she can fuk the whole block if not the whole city.. watch out ladies she will take ur man.. she is nothing but a trailer trash scvm cvnt dumpster slore.. she seen more d1ck end then weekend’s.. stalker she even looks like a dude.. When she was born the Dr likely slapped her parent’s. I mean they looked at her face and a55 and said look twins. She makes her faults out to be your fault so she looks like a Saint. She will put u in jail if she doesn’t get what she wants or her way. Loves to argue so if u like that sh1t she’s perfect for u. She is a K-mart Kunt and a half. She think the world owes her a favor.