Gracie Chmelyk Gracie Prescot Run! She goes by Gracie Chmelyk or Gracie Prescot. This girl is on all the dating sites PG to Kelowna she continues to make them as they get deleted. She says she wants a sugar daddy but really she won’t do anything for money she will even ask to borrow money and not pay it back. She has a heavy drinking problem and drug problem. She will lie and steal to support it. I don’t know her real age she says she’s 18 sometimes 21 but looks younger. Please do not help her. Please do not put yourself in that position best thing to do is run! She is nothing but a criminal and a sl00t but not a good one. Definitely has some form of DRD. Definitely has been on cr@ck and has has multiple trains run on her. She is dangerous. She will hurt you. Run guys!