Hillary Clymer Smith The Slore
Hillary Clymer Smith The Slore. Hillary had an affair with my husband a few years back. One would think it would be time to let it go but she moved closer to us. In fact, she moved into our old neighborhood, ironically. She has a child that she claimed is my husband’s but once the baby was born, Hillary fell off the face of the earth for a long time until she called my husband at work to email him with made up adoption papers so her husband could “adopt” this child. IN this state the father is the spouse unless the spouse says otherwise. Rumor has it, the spouse say this little girl is fathered by a local ex-police officer. Which wouldn’t be surprising considering she slept with anyone she could always calming she was infertile. We honestly think her husband is infertile and she was just trying to get pregnant. They are awful people. And continue to make me miserable just by living in our town. Who wants to share a grocery store with the slore who fuked your husband in his car outside the chick fil a. Gross. Have some standards, Both of you.