Jake Hanna Lying Womanizing Narccistic P.O.S
Belleville, Cheaters, Complaint Against Wrongdoers
Jake Hanna Lying Womanizing Narccistic P.O.S. Plays all woman, multiple woman, lays in your bed for a week while he has a girlfriend n tells u how much he loves u n wants to be with u. Tries to manipulate you in all ways to sleep with you. FAKED cANCER to try n get a relationship out of me only to find out he actually is an addict n overdosed multiple times n nearly killed himself. He’s smooth n sends nasty *ick pics.to.all woman n tried to manipulate it all to make it be on him as the poor.hot guy all alone..hes disgusting n been treated for drds n overdosing in the past 6 months..stay clear woman stay far far away.