Joe Gouthro — Joe Dirt
Joe Gouthro — Joe Dirt. Beware of Joe Dirt. Sadly, he has a bad crack addiction and will do just about anything to get his next hit once he gets started. Will gladly treat you ladies so line up and get your ticket to some party favours but beware of the “sh1t show!” that follows. Don’t believe anything this guy tells you. He will promise you the world, get you pregnant and then once you’ve gained a little weight he’ll cheat on your a55 with anything that walks. Likes to party with floozies and guys, you can take a ticket too because if you can get him fuked up enough he’ll let you fuk him too!!! A never ending nightmare you are guaranteed when it comes to a relationships with this guy. He’s completely bipolar and will spin you so fast that you won’t know what hit you until suddenly you’re broke, have a DRD and left with a million broken promises.