Mark Dickson — Dirty Dr. Dickson. This slime was married for 24 years. Had an affair with a girl for 4 and 1/2 years. He did leave his wife within the first 6 months. And he now has a girlfriend for the past year. While he was the four and a half year girl. So the way the affair girl found it was Mark called her and said hey I have a friend sitting here beside me and she wants to know when the last time we slept together. Tbe affair had no inkling whatsoever this was happening. Blew her it out of the water. So she told the truth and said it was 6 months ago and that she had been at his house numerous times in this past year. The new girlfriend also knows that now. Low life scvm. They always had an agreement if either one of them was not happy they would let the other one know and go on their way. But he doesn’t have balls. Spread the his picture far and wide please. He’s from Springhill Nova Scotia.