Megan Liliey — Megan Fuks For Pepsi. Megan is on hell of a chick… most pathological lying/manipulative b1tch, her bf and her ran into some trouble with the law & of course her bf did his time and Megan continued her relationship with him over the phone as she was sleeping with Chris Lupiersbeck, Nick smith, Mike Yaskow, Colin Braconnier and many more people,keep in mind she had stalked each amd everyone of those guys exs or current girlfriends…. and still stalks them to this day… could u imagine being that bored? but you get the point, she’s a raging pepsi slore and will do anything to get a line and some c0ck in her, she constantly stalks her ex Evan, his baby mama & his kid …. calls the police making false accusations about her ex’s family… she takes the stand in a fake rape case this December, but is a web cam girl and has many many sugar daddies paying her way through life. She’s constantly in debt from snorting Pepsi & constantly fabricates anything she can… if any of you know that man that crashed a semi while doing drugs a few years back ? I think it was. Something like that his names Trevor Stishenko … Ya well Megan works with him at DR HEMSTOCK and sells him pepsi let alone sits there and gets high with her client all night long but on Instagram loving up his daughter Brittany Stishenko, I could just imagine the nasty things Megan has tried with Todd Stishenko. Someone should take this slore into their own hands before she continues to ruin everyone’s life in lloyd or so us all a favour Megan leave all you do is fuk our boyfriends and smell up the town, and your not even good in bed your pu55y hangs your last one night stand sent it around baby girl, someone please please please help her newest boyfriend get out while he can. ZACH HIEBERT I’d run if I were you, run far far away, but if ur looking for somewhere to run I’ll show ya a better time than her.