Sl00t Bag Lindsey Gagne. Hello everyone I am Lindsey the liar and cheat. I take money from my ex boyfriends for my alcohol habit. I make them buy me phones and stuff for my house. I go through many boyfriends a year. I just can’t choose which ones I want so I have them all. I like to think I’m rich but I only make 2700$ a month working for the government. I make my dad pay for my Jeep every month because I always drink too much and spend all my money. I ask my children’s father for money constantly because I drink too much of their money up. My middle daughter is not the child of Carl and he doesn’t even know it. I also made my dad pay for my abdominoplasty which costed $11G. My mom still smokes crack and buys it off my kids father. I try to hide it though as she tries to watch my niece and nephew because my sister is a drug addicted loser. I flirt with every guy I possibly can get money from. They always send me money to feed myself and my kids because I always run out of money. I beg my mom to watch my kids while I go to Calgary every weekend to find a new guy to buy me stuff. I like to make people think I lost 50lbs all by myself but it was surgery, no hard work whatsoever. Sometimes I do too much cocaine but that’s alright it just drips out of my nose and then I do more. So I made my dad waste all that money for my surgery because I am still having a huge tummy. I think I got fat again and ruined all my dads hard earned money. I think my sisters are pieces of sh1t who are drug addicts and my brother is a racist to my kids. When I take peoples kids away I like to message them and cause issues and then send my daughter after them and fight them. Kyra is always out getting in trouble, brought home by the police and kiyana is a kl3ptomaniac that can’t stop stealing. I let my sister sams boyfriend point his gun at my daughter kyras head and never called the police because I don’t care about my youngest daughter. I’m always sending photos of my v@gina to any random men on Facebook. When I was dating Omar I cheated on him multiple times with 2 of my ex’s. Even Omar knows I drink too much alcohol but I will just leave him if he says anything. I like to pretend that I am engaged to throw off my other temporary boyfriends. I like to send out private information about clients at work to every boyfriend I have, which is a lot. I got my ex boyfriends name tattooed on me cause I’m just that smart. In all reality I still love Amaury! So any guy I’m with after that is just for my manipulative head games. Overall I’m just a sh1tty horrible person and I lie to get everywhere in life! Love me or hate me I will still be a crappy person.?