Terinka Ross Deadbeat Psycho. This woman has 4 kids, she has 0 access to any of them. Has had nothing to do with them for many many years. 2 kids are with their dads, 1 is with Terinkas Mother, and she dumped her 3rd child off on her friend. Drinks and smokes meth while pregnant, has been accused of stomping kittens to death, lies and has been caught stealing MULTIPLE times- which is why she cant get a job! She has been blacklisted by most places. She has had nothing to do with the child her friend is raising for her for 7 years now! she dumped her kid on a friend and ran to BC with a man that left his wife for her! Hey there Clint Ross!! Bet you never thought you’d end up here did you?! He was well aware of her drugs and drinking and has CONTINUED TO HELP HER AVOID BEING A PARENT. Has NEVER sent a dime or even a birthday card to her kids. M#th and booze are her priority. Used to floozy out of her house with her child there, would ask for pizza as a tip to feed her kid. She is definitely a piece of work. She also has schizophrenia so if you stick your D in that kind of crazy YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A BAD TIME. She will do makeup to look like bruises and claim you beat her. She stabbed her ex as well, but claimed he was beating her. Nasty nasty sloor.. makes the street floozy in North Central look clean.